My Musings ~ 20

life, Questions, Reflections, Uncategorized

Life is the best teacher that we have. People come and go. For as long as we are, life is. What’s important in the journey called life, is to keep evolving. Keep trying to reach a level of higher consciousness. Keep trying to find out who we are, what is our purpose in this universe? How do we see ourselves?

When we think of ourselves, we often see us from a distance. How we see, what image we see is exactly what we aspire to be or looked at by the world.

A person could have an image of her/him getting out of a swanky car, wearing top notch branded clothes and wearing the most expensive watch. Why does a person see himself/herself in this image? To be the envy of others is my guess. To show the world what s/he has achieved.

Achievements that need the approval of the society, sadly often are in context to other’s failures.

In my opinion, true success would make you a better person, a humble human being and a modest living organism.

Imagine you. A tiny dot on a planet called Earth. Imagine that dot on a planet which is a part of a solar system. Imagine hundreds of more solar systems. Imagine a galaxy consisting of all this. Imagine a million more galaxies consisting of much more than what’s in our own little Milky Way. Now imagine that dot in context to this image.

When I think of myself in this context, I feel minuscule. A nobody. A fragile invisible dot on a rotating planet in a solar system in a galaxy.

The magnitude of the unknown. Imagine the forces we are nothing in front of. That’s how much we matter in the universe.

It’s better to spend a life understanding the universe, urselves and trying to do good rather than trying to be seen and acknowledged by those who themselves don’t know their purpose.

As we sail through life, life hits us back. With force, with love, with frustrations but always with choices.

What we choose, how we choose, what we prioritise in life and what we expect is all a matter of choice.

The power and strength to not conform to anything or anyone is in each one of us. Its a dormant seed often missing out on the opportunity to sprout for lack of a suitable environment.

When we start questioning life and our own decisions and our own “needs”, we actually start thinking what is important in life, what is not and what all we have been doing for others and not for our own peace.

Being your own self and owning it, is what our consciousness screams for. Asking ourselves the questions which we have been ignoring for a long while, identifying the wrongs we have believed in and finally becoming our own person.

Why do we need a particular thing? Say a watch. A watch could be any but why do we aspire or yearn for a particular model? For a particular brand? Who are we trying to show the things to? What are we trying to prove in the process? And if we do manage to pull people towards ourselves by the presence of money or material things, are those people really on our side? Is that “respect” that they are giving us or its just a prerequisite for being acceptable?

Any relationship, any friendship that I have in my life which is not unconditional, is something that I have but definitely don’t need. Also it has zero value as far as contributing to my life goes. My daughter doesn’t love me because I wear a particular brand or because I have money. She loves me and hopefully would continue to love me if I am a good human being and can take good care of her and shower her with unconditional love. Same goes goes for the people close to me. And i love living my life in presence of these people.

De-cluttering my life, thats what I have been upto lately. Asking questions, finding purpose, respecting and valuing people who are genuine, admiring the miracles of life and simply living.

What for would i need so many contacts for? Those who care, would reach out to me. Those i love, i would reach out to. Its a two way street. De cluttering from the extras in my life is whats giving me peace. Not caring about people and notions and norms that do not have a positive influence on me given me a chance to breathe better.

After all, my first responsibility is to myself. If i nurture myself, if i evolve, if I identify the real things in life and not the glitters that blind the sight, only then can I become a genuine person, a genuine daughter, a genuine friend. Only then can I be true to myself and be in harmony with what I am and the life I choose to live.

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