My Musings ~ 9

friendship, Gender bias, life, Questions, Reflections, Uncategorized

Whats in a name? Asked the legend Shakespeare. Had he not asked it, had people not known it was him asking this, the phrase wont have had that much of an impact or it might not have become that famous.

A lot of independent, free thinking women now a days are questioning the age old practices of changing the surname after a woman gets married and also the child having the surname of only the father. Both the questions are logical and 100% fair.

It seems, a lot is in fact, in a name.

A lot of people have asked me over the years if i am a feminist. This question somehow makes me hold my thoughts just a bit and what comes out is an explanatory answer.

I believe in equality. I believe in humanity. I believe both men and women are capable of having careers, earning money, having emotions, loving someone, having desires, having physical urges and most importantly, having opinions and making informed decisions.

The word feminism might mean equality and respect for both men as well as women but it sure as hell doesn't spell the same.

Would a lot of us females be supporting feminism if the term used was menism? If equality, respect for each and freedom for both men and women meant menism, would we be still so ferociously guarding the term and its ideological basis?

Probably not. Because, apparently a lot is in fact, in a name. It gives identity, meaning and makes things more relatable.

Yes, I believe men and women are both equal and equally capable. And I believe in humanism. Call me a humanist? Equilist? Maybe?


Why is society so scared of independent women?

Gender bias, life, Questions, Reflections

A few days ago something happened that was a bit amusing. To give details of the situation, I was wearing cotton trousers, a white cotton top with a white spaghetti inside (because I was in the office or else I won’t have bothered) and under those two layers of clothing, was wearing my black brassier.

I work in a NGO and sitting on the ground or working it tough is what we do on a regular basis. After a meeting, while getting up, a lady came to me and said I was looking cute in the top. Since it was a new top, I smiled from ear to ear and thanked her. A few minutes later, she came again and said that a thin line of my black brassier could be seen as the spaghetti I was wearing got stretched from a corner.

Now, the important part being, a piece of clothing that every person knows a woman wears if is seen from under two layers of clothing, is something that needs to be pointed out and brought to the notice. AND the person telling me is herself half naked because she is wearing a saree with a small blouse, completely exposing the fat filled belly in all its glory. Like really? Is this for real?

I simply replied "its perfectly fine don’t worry about it" and walked off.

I later thought about the whole situation again. If I wear a crop top with a trouser to my work place, its unacceptable but if a woman is wearing a saree with a blouse, exposing all of her belly, it is perfectly fine because, in India, we ignore the women who expose much more than girls who wear what I wear simply because they are clad in a saree.

Also, no man gets nudged or pointed out because his baniyan/vest strap is seen but the bra strap of a woman is as scary as a snake peeking outside it's hideout! Irony isn't it??

That being said, I feel a lot of people think what a female wears or likes to wear is something that apparently needs debate. I wonder why? Why a girl’s clothing is a topic of debate and discussion? Why in a lot of households, the women are not “allowed” to wear anything except salwar suits or sarees whereas the men can be seen roaming around in western clothes and shorts with an attitude that says that men will wear what they want but women can wear only what is “allowed” to them.

On a holiday, I noticed how on the beaches of Goa, men were clad in their underwear (not even swimming trunks) with their man-parts dangling and swaying and how their wives were clad in salwar suits with a dupatta. Such absence of logic, choice and independence.

Once a friend told me in a subtle manner how women shouldn’t keep their hair open because it attracts the attention of a lot of men and how wearing short clothes is inappropriate. Needless to say, our childhood friendship never saw another friendship’s day but what surprised me was, an educated man, son of a working woman, giving me such BS and having such a closed mind.

I meet so many people through work, through social circles, through my school or college friends that its becoming increasingly surprising how almost every person seems to have an opinion on how the other person should or shouldn’t dress up.

The latest splash in the media about Irfan Pathan’s wife in a candid picture gave a lot of people the “right” to comment how she shouldn’t be painting her nails or plucking her eyebrows and how Irfan should make sure his wife is well covered. This baffled me.

His wife has a name. she is an individual. If she chooses to wear a hijaab, its her choice, if she chooses to remove it, its her choice. Is she a 3 year old that her husband is responsible for her behavior?
How can people think it’s the “responsibility” of a husband to make sure the wife is well dressed? The audacity of the mind to think that a man can control a woman.

Its not only in clothes, seems like every person has a say in the choices a woman makes, whether she decided to work or not after marriage, the places her work takes her, the kind of heights she can reach in her career. Hardly anyone would question a man grabbing a good job opportunity and skipping towns for a job but, the same man the same people who congratulated the man would question the decision of a woman who would like to kick some ass in her career.

No true companion, no true lover, no true well wishes would ever try and come between a girl and her potential to reach newer heights. If anyone or any relationship does, there is insecurity and the person curbing the independence lacks confidence.

Women need to be more independent. Not only financially but also mentally. No one has a right to give orders or tell a woman what she is “allowed” and what she is not.

Independence is also not something that makes a lot of men feel safe. Its because of their insecurity that they ferociously try to impose their ways and their parent’s ideas on their wives or friends or sisters.

No man who is secure and confident would try to curb the freedom of any woman.

Besides, its time that women become stronger and listen to their hearts rather than the crowd around and make their own choices without being influenced by other men or women.

Why I love being a female ;)

Fun, life, Reflections, Uncategorized

I am on some days so happy that i want to sing and dance my way to the office and back home and on some days i want to murder the first person i hear talking to me.

Being a female is interesting and full of surprises. I think the hormones or rather fluctuating hormones make females such volatile beings.

Life is never bland when you are a woman because the moods are dependent on the menstrual cycle or on elevated hormones and we can both bare our fangs or bat those eye lashes in the most adorable fashion exactly 24 hours from each other. Or less, depending on the date 😉

Most people who are not close to us may think of us as crazy beings but the people who do know kind of guess that no mood or state of mind is permanent and is susceptible to instant changes and alternations. They probably also guess the reasons even if they dont fully understand their cause.

There is no explanation and we owe no one an explanation when one day we say that we hate chocolates and the next day can be seen gorging 5 bars straight of the exact chocolate we said we hated. We get cravings. AND if anyone dares to remind us during that time that we hated what we are loving right now, that person’s name automatically enters our little black book.

Oh yes, every female has that one notebook. The one where she mentally puts a big fat red cross against a name and all you mortals can do is, wish with all your heart that your name isnt there. Why? Because WOMEN NEVER FORGET.

Try and even give our shoulder a friendly pat after your name has a cross and we would burn you with our eyes or burn you in the most torturous and innovative manner in our thoughts.

Lastly, the thing that i love the most is, till the time i wake up, i dont myself know how much of a b***h i am going to be today 😉 love surprises!


life, Questions, Reflections, Uncategorized

Life often brings a person to a crossroad where one has to choose. Choose between what one has to be and what one actually is, between what one really wants and what the people around make them believe they want, between what is and what "ought to be".

I personally clearly remember a few such decisions i had to make and at those moments I knew, the decision is for me. Not for anybody else, not based on what people or someone would think, not bothered about other's perceptions. Because sometimes, you do understand that a single step can alter the course of life and that step is irreversible.

The more such decisions one makes, the more one understands self. I for once, became stronger with every difficult step i took, i came to know myself better after every time I altered the course of my life and I fell in love with the power I had.

It's necessary to own one's life. It's important to be the master of one's own decisions and its vital that a human being understands the life one gets is meant to live, not to please others.

No person can make everyone around them happy. That's simply because each person is different, unique. Ten people would mean 10 perceptions, ten ways of thinking , ten best ways with ten rights and ten wrongs. And life definitely is not worth wasting on the ten people who probably wont even be there when the sky darkens.